Category Archives: MO

Magical Evening with Neighbors & Friends listening to Classical Music over looking Table Rock Lake


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Celebrating Music of the Masters

As the sun was going down over Table Rock Lake last night, friends and family were being welcomed at the home of Rick & Delyla Uebel.

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The majestic home is an architectural masterpiece, as you walk through the front door you are greeted by soaring ceilings, amazing views and two stunning concert pianos.  Setting the stage for what would be an extraordinary evening.


What a wonderful opportunity to loose yourself in music from Bach, Burns, Chopin, Joplin, Gershwin and many more played and sung by Delyla Uebel, Donn Saylyer and Phyllis Pasley.  Each of these artist have performed around the country and across the world.  What a blessing to have two of them reside here in our midst.  Their talents goes beyond words and their passion for their craft was evident.  These accomplished musicians truly inspired my love of music and gave me an special gift that will be cherished.

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We traveled through time musically from PreLude #1, La Habanera from “Carmen”, The Entertainer and much much more. They told us wonderful stories about the composers and how each piece was born.  Each musical number took you to the time period, from romance to blues, to the tribute of American Trilogy the notes and song came alive and was nothing short of amazing.

The night ended with all guests singing together with one voice.  This night was perfect and many thanks go out to all who worked so hard to make it happen.  I am fortunate to live in a community and be a part of an organization like Neighbors and Friends.

Neighbors and Friends was started with the goal of “welcoming” new women into our community giving women the opportunity to explore their passions; from gardening, food, wine & games.  The group also saw the need to give back to the community in service and tonight’s concert proceeds will be used to fund local programs.  (We also have other fund raising events such as the Christmas Home Tour and Sip & Bid)

Are you looking to get involved in the community?  Or form new friendships?  Come join us!  If you’d like more information go to the website.  Neighbors & Friends

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As a real estate agent & a resident of this community I am blessed to be surrounded by such amazing  women who have passions to serve.

Sharing a Special evening with my daughter

Author:  Sharol Nuckolls